The trident is the main symbol of Ukraine

Probably, every Ukrainian has heard the version that our coat of arms is the names of the great rulers of Kyiv: Volodymyr, Olga and Yaroslav, sealed in the word WILL. Perhaps so, but there is no scientific explanation for this. We don't even know if in those harsh times it was called a trident at all - because in recent history this comprehensive and apt name appeared only in 1917 with the light hand of Mykhailo Hrushevskyi, the first president of Ukraine.

No one knows exactly where the trident came from or what it means. But one thing is known for sure - the trident has become a symbol of Ukraine, which we all love and respect very much.

What is a trident?

The trident is found in archaeological sites and ancient texts from the time of Kievan Rus. The modern look of the trident, which we see today on the state symbols of Ukraine, is a direct legacy of ancient times, when this sign was an emblem of princely power.

Once upon a time, princes minted a trident on their coins and decorated buildings with it. For example, Prince Volodymyr the Great, who ruled Russia, used a trident on his gold and silver coins, and also left its imprints on bricks in large temples. One such brick was found in Kyiv in the Tithe Church, which was built over 1,000 years ago! Can you imagine how old this symbol is?

And they also found old seals with two prongs that belonged to Prince Svyatoslav - it's a bit like a trident, but with two prongs instead of three. And there are even old drawings where Svyatoslav's soldiers march with flags depicting tridents!

Tridents were minted on coins, painted on the stones of churches, decorated with weapons and even clothes. Even Princess Anna Yaroslavna, who became the French queen, had a trident on her tombstone!

Over time, the trident sign of each Rurik prince changed slightly. For example, someone's trident became two-pronged, and somewhere a cross or other decorations were added to it. Therefore, today we know more than 200 different types of trident!

It is interesting that not only princes used the trident. It is found both in fairy tales and in church decorations, so this sign has become part of our culture and traditions.

Trident during the national liberation struggle

After the decline of Kievan Rus and the Tatar-Mongol invasion, the trident gradually fell out of use as a state symbol. However, with the rise of the national liberation movement in the 18th and 20th centuries, it again gained popularity among Ukrainian patriots.

During the Ukrainian revolution of 1917–1921, the trident again became a symbol of the struggle for independence. At that time it was used in the Ukrainian People's Republic (UNR) as the state coat of arms. The trident was approved by Mykhailo Hrushevskyi in 1918 at the Great Council, which was an important step on the way to the restoration of an independent Ukrainian state.

Trident in modern Ukraine

After the independence of Ukraine in 1991, the trident was officially approved as the Small Coat of Arms of Ukraine according to the Constitution of 1996. It is one of the most important national symbols, which represents the strength, heredity and sovereignty of the state. It is used on official documents, state flags and coins, emphasizing the continuity of Ukrainian statehood from the time of Kyivan Rus to the present day.

Symbolism of the trident

The trident is not just a coat of arms, but a symbol of the centuries-old history of Ukraine, which unites the past and the present. It carries a deep meaning that connects the Ukrainian people with its roots and heritage of Kyivan Rus. Today, the trident symbolizes Ukraine's independence and sovereignty, its place in world history, and the culture of the Ukrainian people.

At Dubhumans, we have a deep respect for history, which is why we create clothing collections with trident prints. We have a wide selection of t-shirts, hoodies and sweatshirts with unique trident designs for women, men and kids that will show off your national pride.

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