A modern city is not just a bunch of buildings and streets. This is a place where everything spins, boils and mixes: cultures, ideas, lifestyles. Urbanism is a kind of urban culture that doesn't just exist somewhere, it really affects our view of the world, our habits, and even the way we hang out. It's about the vibe of the streets, architecture, transport, and how we interact with the city and the people around us.

Urban style is like carrying the city on yourself! It is about freedom in clothes, experiments with style, some new bold ideas and non-standard combinations. This is when your clothes show your inner world and you look like no other. Urban style is about standing out, mixing comfort with coolness, being yourself, but to the fullest!

The origin of urbanism

All this was born back in those days, when cities began to grow, as if on yeast, in the era of industrialization. Imagine the chaos: everyone is moving somewhere, houses are built on every corner, the roads are crowded, everyone can't find their space. That's when people we call urbanists appeared: architects, engineers, sociologists, they were looking for ways to make cities more comfortable. Le Corbusier, for example, came up with concepts of "ideal cities" - such that they would have more nature, harmony and excitement from life.

Urban planning changes everything around!

Here's how it affects our world:

1. Architecture and design. Modern houses, cool parks, green areas, bike paths are all from urbanism. Cities are now a space for creativity and new architectural solutions.

2. Transport. Smart transport systems, where you can save a lot of time, bike lanes and convenient pedestrian zones - this is all to make your movement around the city smooth.

3. Ecology. Green areas, energy-efficient buildings, waste sorting — urban planning helps cities become more ecological.

4. Social interactions. How people communicate on the streets, in parks and squares is also a part of urbanism. Urban planning has a direct impact on how you meet friends and meet new people.

5. Fashion and lifestyle. The city dictates its trends. Designers capture the urban vibe and create clothes that match the dynamics of the city: they are comfortable, practical, but with a twist. Urbanism in clothes is about comfort in style and constant readiness for adventures in the metropolis.

Urban is about you and the city you carry. Live, dress, move with the rhythm of the streets, and let your every exit to the city be bright!

Urbanism today is a hotbed!

In short, today urban planning is a must-have for city life, because cities are growing like yeast. Modern cities strive to be "smart", introduce smart chips, such as the transport of the future, automated energy-saving systems and all kinds of ecological things. All this is done in order for us to enjoy life in the city - it was convenient, safe and cool!

But urban planning is not only about buildings or roads. It's generally about how we live in the city, how we communicate with space and with each other. It really shapes our future, makes life in the city harmonious, where everyone can develop, grow and be part of something big.

Urban lifestyle means constant movement and freedom of expression! You live in a city where everything spins at a crazy speed, there are a lot of opportunities for you around, and this gives you maximum space for self-expression. The big metropolis is your playground: modern infrastructure, culture, the latest technologies and social connections - everything is at your fingertips!

The main features of the urban lifestyle:

1. Fast rhythm. Here there are no options at all - the city lives at a speed of 24/7: work, parties, meetings, events. You have to be able to adapt quickly and plan your time so as not to fall out of the game.

2. Mobility. Buses, metro, bicycles, electric scooters - whoever wants to, rides on that, to get to the right place faster and without stress.

3. Technologies drive. Always on the subject of new trends — from fashion to food. The city is not just a place where you live, it is access to everything that is fresh and fashionable.

4. Social activity. The city is a party! Events, activities, festivals, meetings with new people — constant movement and the opportunity to find your people in various social groups.

5. Convenience and comfort. Urban style is the maximum of functionality. The clothes are comfortable, the living space is optimized, everything is selected so that it is easy to live in the rhythm of the city.

6. Eco-consciousness. Many citizens have been in favor of ecology for a long time: they sort garbage, use eco-products, and protect nature. Urbanists do not kill the environment, but on the contrary, help make cities greener.

Urban lifestyle is when you are always on the move, always developing, and every new day is a new opportunity for growth!

What about clothes?

Urban style in clothes is a combination of comfort, practicality and cool design. People in metropolises love speed, so their clothes should be such that they can withstand the frantic pace of life. Urban style is often associated with minimalism, but at the same time adds interesting details that make the image recognizable and bright.

What is this urban style in clothes?

1. Comfortable and practical. Imagine: free cuts, natural fabrics, sports elements — and you not only look cool, but also really enjoy comfort.

2. Minimalism. Urban clothes often have restrained colors - black, gray, white, pastel, but with a highlight: bright prints or unusual details to be the center of attention.

3. Functionality is our everything. There are large pockets, hoods, waterproof materials - such clothes are suitable for any weather and any urban conditions.

4. Street style is just the bomb! Urban style gets a serious boost from street style, that is, street style. This is a piece of clothing that rocks to the fullest! All this vibe of the streets, graffiti, music, architecture — all this merged into one mix. As a result, we have cool t-shirts with cool prints, hoodies with original inscriptions or crazy patterns. In short, it's a style for those who dabble in the subject.

5. Eco-friendly, because nature is our everything. Today, it is no longer enough to just make stylish clothes, you also have to think about ecology. And urban brands are trying to do this, so they use eco-materials and recycled fabrics. All so that you and I can look cool and not spoil the planet.

Who is suitable for urban style?

This style is simply created for people who live in a fast urban rhythm, for those who have time everywhere, but at the same time want to look 100. It is for those who are not afraid to go beyond the limits, experiment with their image and mix simplicity with originality . That is, if you do not mind combining comfort with a cool look, then this is yours!

The URBAN collection from Dubhumans is just what you're looking for!
Our prints are a true work of art created by talented authors. They reflect the rhythm of the city, the dynamics of the streets and this unreal spirit of urbanism. Each design is something unique: from bright graffiti to restrained minimalism.

This style is for those who live in the city, get high from its energy, for creative people who want to stand out, be special and are not afraid to experiment with their bow. Our t-shirts, hoodies and sweatshirts are perfect for active people, creative people and those who just want to express themselves to the fullest!

The URBAN collection is not just clothes, it is style, freedom and originality in every detail. Stay on trend and visit our website or your favorite social network to buy yourself a cool bow!